The answers of the multiple choices questions  are highlighted by bold later.

The answers of fundamental of thermodynamics are covered in two parts 1 and part 2

Q.1. Process shown in the following figure from (c) to (a) is

A. Phase changes process from gaseous to liquid to solid                               

B. Phase changes process from solid to liquid to gaseous                              

C. Sensible heating                            

D. None of the above

Q.2. The Net work done during the process as shown in the following figures is given as,

A. Wnet= WA

B. Wnet= WA+ WB

C. Wnet= WA- WB

D. Wnet= WB

Q.3. The given system represents, which system

A. Open system 

B. Closed system

C. Isolated system

D. None of the above

Q.4 The given system represents, which system

A. Open system 

B. Closed system

C. Isolated system

D. None of the above

Q.5. For following figure what will be value of ΔE


A. 8 KJ

B. <8 KJ

C. >8 KJ

D. 0 KJ

Q.6. The system shown in figure is

A. Open system

B. Closed system

C. Isolated system

D. None of the above

Q.7. In the following the manometer given,

A. Absolute pressure at point 1

B. Gauge pressure at point 1

C. Atmospheric pressure 

D. Pressure drop across the pipe Length between 1& 2

Q.8. Following statement is correct

A.      Pressure measure by column A1 would be higher than rest of the two column

B. Pressure in the column A2 will be mean of pressure in A1 and column A3

C. Pressure measured by column A3 will be higher than rest of the column 

D. All the three columns indicates the same pressure

Q.9. The heat supplied in the following two (LH and RH figure) cases to raise the Temperature of the gas through 1 to 2 would be

A. 6.24 and 10.38 KJ respectively

B. 3.12 and 5.19 KJ respectively

C. Can't say as data is insufficient

D. None of the above

Q.10. Following equipment is a

A. Local Atmospheric pressure 

B. Temperature

C. Gauge pressure

D. Absolute pressure

Q.11. Identify the type of Heat pump

A. Impossible cycle

B. Irreversible cycle

C. Reversible cycle

D. None of the above

Q.12. For the same amount of matter for two different substances the amount of heat required for iron and water to raise the temperature from 20 and 300 C would be,

A. Same 

B. Different

C. A & B correct  

D. None of the above

Q.13. Identify the type of cycle

A. Impossible cycle

B. Irreversible cycle

C. Reversible cycle

D. None of the above

Q.14. Identify the type of Refrigerator

  A. Impossible cycle

B. Irreversible cycle

C. Reversible cycle

D. None of the above

Q.15. Under steady-flow conditions, the mass and energy contents of a control volume

A. Remains constant  

B. Different

C. Both A & B  

D. None of the above

Q.16. Identify the following figure

A. Heat engine

B. Violation of Kelvin-Plank Statement

C. Violation of both Kelvin-Plank as 

              well as Clausius Statement

D. Violation of Clausius statement

Q.17. The absolute change in pressure, Temperature and volume during the two processes A and B

A. Cant say (Data insufficient)

B. Would not be the same

C. Would be same

D. None of the above

Q.18. In the following figure what would be the change in the total energy of the system

A. 0 KJ 

B. Same as heat supplied 

C. Different as heat supplied

D. None of the above

Q.19. The COP of the heat pump in the following figure would be

A. 5

B. 3.5 

C. 7

D. 2

Q.20. Heat is transferred to a heat engine from a furnace at a rate of 80 MW. If the rate of waste heat rejection to a nearby river is 50 MW, determine the efficiency for this heat engine.

A. 37.5%

B. 38.5%

C. 36.5%

D. None of the above

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